The Woodland Trust generously awarded us 200 saplings so that we could create a perimeter hedge in the community garden.  Children from The Parkland Federation and Oakwood Primary Academy came to help us plant the saplings, and the first session took place on Earth Day 2021 on 22nd April – how appropriate!

The sessions have been very much enjoyed by all, and Mr Thrower, a teacher at The Parkland Federation said; “This sort of thing is such an invaluable experience, especially in these Covid times. All of the children talked so positively on the way back to school about how much they enjoyed their morning.”  

The centre manager, Lisa Playford, also said; “It was lovely to see the children bring energy back to the Community Centre and enjoy the garden after the periods of closure due to Covid-19.”  

A big “thank you” also goes to the Community Gardeners, who kindly dug 200 holes around the centre for the children to plant the saplings, and who have also been caring for them since.  What a wonderful way to make some special memories!

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